Saturday, January 20, 2024

In Towne Marina Lake Waconia Ice Report - 1/20/24

We did a quick ice check today, 1/20/24. While the extreme cold has continued to help increase ice thicknesses, we are still finding as little as 6 to 7 inches of ice under snow drifts across the lake. While those spots are less common, they can be found scattered everywhere. As for the areas that are not as heavily drifted or where there is no snow at all, we have found a range of 8 to 13 inches. We know many of you are antsy and there are some deciding to bring wheelhouses out, but because of the lesser ice we continue to find, we are still using caution. Currently, we are only allowing Side-by-Sides, ATVs and Snowmobiles to use the access with portables. We are sorry, but no wheelhouses are allowed for now. As things progress and those lesser ice areas get thicker, we will update what we will allow for access use.

We’ll see you on the ice!